‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7
All we do is made possible by your generosity.
We are so grateful that you’re considering supporting us through giving. Your support through either your time, talents or financial gifts enables all the mission and ministry to take place across and through our churches in Seaton and Beer, so we can be an active presence in serving our communities with the love of Jesus Christ.
Regular giving enables us to run weekly services, to hold groups for children and families, to provide spiritual care for the elderly, and to offer pastoral care for all. It also assists us to plan events, grow in faith and to care for our historic buildings.
For us to be Jesus Christ’s heart, hands and feet in our coastal parishes means we are concerned for everyone who lives in our coastal parishes, always being there for all life’s events, through celebration or difficulty, and importantly to offer support to the most vulnerable and those on the fringes.
Thank-you for your generosity.
Ways to give
Parish Giving
by Direct Debit
Planned giving by Standing Order
Cash or Cheque
Donate Online
via this website
via Card Readers
in Church

Church Legacy
A Lasting Gift to Your Church National Stewardship
The website provides quick and easy access to essential information on leaving a legacy, for example wording for your Will, and information for Solicitors and PCCs. Church Legacy also shares parish stories where a legacy gift has helped transform a church’s future. Legacies are a fundamental part of Stewardship and our Christian Giving; leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can give thanks to God for the gifts of your home and lifetime.
If you have any questions about gifts in wills or about the website, please contact Eleanor Gill, Legacy and Funding Officer,
at: eleanor.gill@churchofengland.org or: 08445 870875